Wednesday, April 21, 2010

So I got this album

And it's pretty good, if you like certain kinds of Hip-Hops. Del tha Funkee Homosapien, Dan the Automator and Kid Koala team up to bring the people Deltron 3030. Its from 2000, but you know me, Im behind the times all the time. I find things on my OWN time. Time to bring a sample:

Here's another fun track filled with clever rhymes and funkey beats:

Now some of you (since I know all you personally) might be thinking "Hey, this guys sounds familar, why? WHY!?" I'll tell you. You might recognize Del from this track:

Or, even MORE famously, this:

Yep, he's a scary ghost part-time. Go figure!


Laura said...

The Japanese release albums had different lyrics. It was a lot less pop in style with the different lyrics. kinda neat.

That brought back some days with the del. I have that on cassette. Almost forgot about that. It was left over from my elements of hip-hop class when I was in boarding school.

Heart Burn said...

That class sounds awesome

Laura said...

It was pretty awesome, learned the history, how to rhyme, break/pop, and how to tag.

I sucked at the rhyme, and had absolutely no ego for the breaking but I got fairly handy with a rattle can.

The joys of 21,000 a year for bad ass high school.