A big part of my life is music and with that comes a lot of disappointment. A lot of bands that I do or have liked have changed their music styling. For various reasons a band changes their style, they're maturing, they lose a key member, something big has happened in one or more members of the band or for the big bucks. Sometimes these changes can be great, some bands even get better. Other bands alienate their old fans and produce crap. Some always produced crap but you love them either way. Now I have a soft spot, well a large soft spot in my heart for pop punk. As a snot nosed punk rock kid at the tender age of 13, I loved pop punk. It was fast, loud and immature what more could you want? Most main stream pop punk bands have "evolved" trying to create the illusion that they're mature and great musicians now. When in actually they couldn't write a well thought out rock anthem to save their 40 year old lives. Now I know I'm pretty sure you know who I'm talking about but really I'm talking about the fabled Blink 182. I'm pretty sure most of our readers didn't like them to begin with. Yeah they suck...NOW, but Buddha one of Blink 182's first full lengths is still a great pop punk gem. I find myself listening to more than I should and wishing I was 13 again and add safety pins to my bracelet made out of a striped sock top.
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I agree.
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