Monday, January 11, 2010

Pro Wrestlin' Countdown: Monday

So, as the readers of the blog might know, a group of us are going to see a Professional Wrestling show this satarday. They know this because they're the ones who are going...

Anyway, in honor of this event I think Im going to count down the days with some pro wrestlin' primers.

Today I want to talk a bit about wrestling in pop-culture. When I think of american culture, I have to be honest, I don't think of much. Really, it's pretty sad. Then again, I'm pretty much some schmuck anyway, so it probably dosent matter... where was I going with this?

Oh yeah, wrestling is a pretty cool part of american culture. There are even periods where it gets to bleed into other things. Anyway, enough of me, here's a cool cartoons with Macho Man Randy Savage in them:

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