Saturday, August 22, 2009

Yeah and if Shane's last post were real...

someone would have to call the GHOSTBUSTERS! While he's trying really hard to be a substitute teacher (loser) I'm trying to be a god damn Ghostbuster. It's been my dream since I was a child to be one, haha, as much as I know it be impossible a man can dream and dream he shall!

While that loser has been doing that, I've been looking for costume supplies and you know what I've already started! Aside from the gadgets and what not I'm pretty much done. Have my jumpsuit and boots and I have my arm patch, belt, belt clips, gloves on the way. Just need to get my name patch made and start working on the props.

On top of this Shane is working on a project with me. I also just recruited a couple more friends to work on it with us. This is something one of my good friends, Matt Hope, whipped up this morning.

I know you're asking yourself "But aren't you already working on a Ghostbusters costume project?" and "Why does that image look like that handsome rogue Kurtis Trimbo?!" and I would answer "As much as we hate fan films here, we're starting a Ghostbusters movie!"
Shane and I have started on a script of some sorts and Matt has already started on designs. We're hoping to start initial shooting next summer. I know the idea of it being almost a year away must be quite painful for our three loyal readers! But we want to make sure we can make the best damn movie we can. A year will give us time to hammer out the script, get decent props made, make sure our sorry asses can act and have special effects higher than a cable access show. So keep an eye out for our first "movie" production! We'll obviously be posting update here.


Witty Banter said...

If I can be of any help let me know. CRAIG WANT'S TO HELP!

Spookyboots said...