Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Top 5 of 08...sort of

So it's that time of year again...

Time to decapitate 2008, and create 2
009 in some sort of Frankenstein Lab.

Close, a celebration that winter seasonal depression is half way over. But I suppose more normal people are doing what you suggested.

Hell yeah, burn the established year to the ground!!! Down with the system! Up with the new order! Or... wait, did you mean the new year thing?

Yeah...uh...we decided we would start a new tradition and write a small list of things we think were great in the year of 08

That's right, I remember now. We take this time to look back on t
he joys of last year, and try to hide the bad parts deep in the darkest parts of our souls.

I have many many se
crets hidden in the darkest bowels of my soul...but that aside lets get this shit kicked out.

Starting with Five (because we can do that, it's our Blog) is "Holy Sh
it, Black President"

Yeah that was good I suppose, I mean I voted for the guy, but after the soul crushing events of the first election I ever voted in I pretty much gave up all hope.

The man was so popular he only lost my backwater hick county by, like, Thirty-some votes!

I'm actually surprised it was so few...with the area that lie in your county I figured it would have been a landslide loss.

I know, right?

Speaking of black heroes, I know one that's grabbin peels.

I know of the same man you speak of. Number four on our count is a game we play called "Left 4 Dead"

It may have lost it's flair over the past couple of weeks, but knowing Valve they'll surprise us with something nice and fire our interests back up.

I like the game just fine for the moment, I just hate some of the people. Seriously, how did these people get out of the CS servers? We built those to hold them in, damnit! That and Xbox live.

Well, the xbox live society has their own version of the game that will never get any extra content. But the server capacities are so small we can be assholes and elitists and only let in our closest friends, a very nice feature of the game.

So true, also one of it's downfalls. I don't know about some of you antisocial misanthropes out there, but I have more than 7 friends.
I have 8

Exactly, and then where does that leave that poor odd-man out?
It's usually me, but that's ok I hear awesome stories about the game.

*cue violin music*

No really I don't mind because I'm number 3 on the awesome list of 08

Really? What have you done this year that's so great?

I discovered Sasquatch, save a village of werewolves, drew a t-rex skate boarding with a blunt in his mouth and built a rocket ship

...Yeah... but...where'd your rocket ship GO, smart guy?

I flew it in to the Vatican space ship that was attacking the werewolf village, duh, idiot

God! That's so fucking sweet!! You need to get those photos developed.

I did, fucking Target ruined them, I'm suing them for the entire business.

Aw damn. Well, I know a good lawyer. The number two thing on our list: Me, motherfucker.

Yeah? What did you do tha
t topped what I did?

I quested for the unknown, delved into infinity and punched out the greatest questions plaguing man.

questions were those? The stereotypical where's the G spot?

Child's play! Everyone knows the G-spot is lost forever on the dark side of the moon.

Oh...yeah I knew that...

Perhaps my greatest accomplishment was learning how to stop time. Sadly, I only know how to stop everything, so I stop too. There, I just did it. I did it again.

Huh, I didn't even feel it...

Yeah, neither did I.

But what I did feel was the number 1 of awesome things. I felt myself...but not you, but we're both the number 1 awesome thing of 08.

That's right! What could be better than taking the #3 and #2 things and cramming them together? Not... uh... literally though.

Nothing, aside from doing all of the things we mentioned we also looked death square in the eyes and kicked him right in the nuts and said "Fuck you, I'm staying alive asshole"

And Death, if want a re-match... you know where to find us.

In your backyard, in that tent because we sure as hell aren't paying rent.

You know what? Fuck Death, and fuck 2008, I'm done with it.

And fuck 09, I'm stoked for 2012.

Happy New Years from the knuckle fucks of The Heart and Spooky Laff and a bullshit.

1 comment:

Jaysun said...

this made me happy! thanks, bro!