Saturday, March 14, 2009

Movie Breaker review

Yeah I broke down and dropped $13 on a figure that's not out yet. I'm usually the kind of person that waits to get something knowing that
I'll eventually find it. The only time I buy stuff of ebay is if it's a good deal, like the ultimate battle pack, I got that damn thing for $22 not including shipping and even with shipping is was cheaper than it ever was around here. I also recently picked up the Shockwave/Destro comic pack for $10 after shipping. I also usually don't care if I have things first, I'm not posting all over boards saying "Oh guess what I got in the mail today" or "I have it before you, haha". I truthfully don't know what overcame me to purchase this figure but I did. Was it worth it, I dunno, probably not, I could have waited.

One major complaint about this figure is that he's too plain. Which is also the same complaint about the original 13 and I completely understand. I like the simplicity of his uniform. I think it works for a coms guy. He doesn't need to hunkered down by uniform. What I wish he included was some communications gear other than the laptop.

This figure gets no complaints when it comes to possibility though. His elbows bend a full 90 degrees, he doesn't suffer from diaper crotch and his ankles aren't hindered by his lower legs. I hope all the movie figures have articulation of this caliber, though sadly Storm Shadow wont be.

Overall his paint aps are pretty good, except on the flesh parts, they're not terrible there's just something wrong about them that I can't put my finger on. The camo is nicely applied and the thins stripes running down his sleeves are nice and straight, albeit mine is missing one.

His gear is alright, some sort of assault rifle, a pis
tol, a laptop with a cord that attaches to a missiles launcher that mine did not include, his vest and a belt. The guns are pretty nicely designed and he has no issues holding them. What I like about his vest is that unlike some of the more recent 25th figures, his vest has tabs on both sides so it's not a pain in the ass to get off.

I usually don't "revi
ew" items or try and rate them. It's not what I generally so, I like to share my opinion on things and talk to people about item. But I don't point at something and tell someone "oh yeah that's a 8 out 10, you should buy it". If I had to do some stupid rating system I'd give the figure 6 skulls out of 10. Not a great figure, most people can live without him.

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