Monday, March 2, 2009

ok so I present

So things have been a little slow here, I've been sick, Shane has been visiting his parents a lot. We've been spending a lot of our free time playing Team Fortress 2 and I've been painting plastic men again. To keep things flowing a little bit I'll continue to post Youtube videos but I'll be posting my favorite scenes from movies that are great to watch while having a couple beers, eating pizza and hanging out with some of your closest friends. This doesn't mean these movies are good or bad or anything but they're fun to watch in the right environment. True story my good friend Alex, my brother and I did those very things while watching this one. They Live, is a classic, I'm a big fan of John Carpenter's 80's work. While Escape from New York and The Thing were more serious, I got a lot of laughs from They Live. Plus Roddy Piper makes everything golden, he was one of my favorite wrestlers growing up. Before the scene here is the trailer.
Now here is the four and a half minute fight scene, legend has it that it wasn't coreographed and it wasn't supposed to go on for as long as it did, but they just let the two go at it and left the camera rolling.

So next weekend, get some good ass pizza, cheap beer hang out with some close friends and watch this campy kick ass film. If you've already seen it, watch it again.

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